Tips to Prevent Flea Infestations

Fleas are generally reddish-brown in colour, really small and wingless. They are approximately 2.5mm long so spotting them could be a challenging task. They’re able to hide easily as the colour of the body’s can blend in with fur and other objects or materials. Their size also allows them to move through hair, such as pets fur fairly quickly. A Flea is an insect that advantages from the blood of the host, for example, pets, wildlife and the rare humans. While flea bites will not usually cause any pain, they are able to end up in a distressing itch or rash and your pets might as well formulate allergies to bug spit (flea saliva). Fleas are most likely associated with cats and dogs as well as other typical pets.

Usually make their way into your home through your family pet (e.g. dogs, cats, rabbits), daunting flea invasions can seem to appear overnight. Fleas usually feed and lay their eggs when the pet is sleeping, your pet’s resting zones will be the location for most fleas can be found. The tiny, oval eggs fall off animals and are undetectable in carpets, bed linen, spaces in floors and soft furnishings. Eggs, larvae and pupae can unwittingly be carried in the home on the soles of your shoes. Fleas can also be spread to drapes and even our cars or upholstery. Fleas will thrive in the hot as well as the damp environment.  Just one female cat flea may do generating up to two thousand eggs in a really few years. Therefore fleas can keep finding their way back, (even after treating pets) so you also want to make sure they are gotten rid of from your property and for this, you’ll require the assistance and expertise of a professional flea controller.

In the event that you get a flea problem early enough, there are several activities you can do in order to help get rid of fleas, but on top of everything – completely and frequently clean.

  • Vacuum your flooring; rugs, rugs, padded furniture even drapes every 1-2 days. This can help eliminate adult pupae and flea eggs, but larvae can stick to the carpet.
  • Vacuuming has got the added advantages of getting rid of the organic material and adult flea faeces the larvae feed upon.
  • Clean your vacuum cleaner thoroughly outside of the house, as there is a possibility that the fleas are still alive
  • Wash all bedding once a week
  • Wash everything, including clothes, especially the ones that may have been left on the floor, all linen, furnishing covers and curtains.
  • Speak to your vet if you notice your pet scratching or biting its fur, your vet will be able to suggest the best treatment for your pet.

A flea infestation may frustrate you since they are extremely hard to get rid of once they’re inside the home. While evaluating a flea infestation issue, there are wide-ranging aspects to take into accounts such as the outside environment, the way the fleas got in and the degree of the flea infestation itself. Commonly homeowners will elect to call upon a flea control expert so that you can understand the type of situation you’re in and how to manage it in the best way possible.

You may be enticed to attempt and deal with fleas on your own. You can try foggers and other flea control solutions that are usually placed over the counter, which guarantees to eliminate all of the fleas from your home. However, your first move should be to hire professionals who know how to dispose of fleas effectively like Pest Inspection Perth.