Monthly Archives: July 2019

Tips to Prevent Flea Infestations

Fleas are generally reddish-brown in colour, really small and wingless. They are approximately 2.5mm long so spotting them could be a challenging task. They’re able to hide easily as the colour of the body’s can blend in with fur and other objects or materials. Their size also allows them to move through hair, such as pets fur fairly quickly. A Flea is an insect that … Continue reading Tips to Prevent Flea Infestations »

How To Keep Ants Away From Your Lawn

Ants on your lawn can be an annoying sight and often painful if you get bitten by one. Homeowners want to be able to enjoy their backyard, especially if you have children and pets. You would like them to help you to take pleasure from playing on the lawn without getting bitten. Ants that put up home close to your lawn have a tendency to be … Continue reading How To Keep Ants Away From Your Lawn »